Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monday Meetings

Please come to our Monday meetings! We talk & pray about how we can help North Korea.

When: Mondays @ 5pm
Where: Tucson Korean Presbyterian Church
(2801 East 17th Street: near Country Club & Broadway)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Last Chance to Hear Tom!

Come hear Tom, the North Korean refugee, give his testimony before he heads back to South Korea.

Where: Kiva Room, UA Student Union Memorial Center
When: Tonight @ 6pm
Hosted by UA Navigators

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tom's interview with the Arizona Daily Star will be published in Wednesday's paper


The rally day quickly approaches! Here are the updates from yesterday's meeting
(Please bring your own water and food for the day. It's recommended to bring a blanket to sit on):

7-8:30am @ Himmel Park-Opening Praise will be led by Navigators praise leader
-Prayers will be led by Pastor John and Tom
-Pastor John will bring portable sound system
-T-shirts will be distributed for march

8:30-9:30am March from Himmel Park to U of A
Route: south on Tucson, west on Speedway, south on Mountain to U of A mall
The march will be led by those carrying the 18 foot banner (thanks Mike for making this!)
All participants will wear the T-shirts and chant: Do you hear their cry? Free N. Korea!!

10am-2pm Rally @ U of A Mall
4 roles will need to be rotated (especially holding the heavy banners)
1. Passing out flyers with facts about N. Korea (HeeSan will prepare 4,000)
2. Passing out T-shirts to those who stop to gather at the rally site to ask questions
3. Holding the 9-Lives banners (thanks Diana for preparing these)
4. Praying over the rally
Tom will share his personal story on each of the 9-Lives themes.
(we will need the portable sound system)
LiNK will also be passing out their flyers and have a booth set up with their stuff.

6:30-8pm Prayer service @ Emmanuel
Opening praise: Praise team from True Light
Testimonies shared from the day
Prayers will be led by Pastor John and Tom
End with praise...Hallelujah! May God's will be done!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Help LiNK Win $250K to fund the Liberty House

Just follow the link to vote for Liberation in North Korea (LiNK) to receive a community service grant from Pepsi. LiNK is currently ranked 4th out of 200 projects--and needs to at least come in second to get the grant--so help them get there! You can vote daily. Hurry: voting ends on 2/28!

Facts About North Korea

-Over 3 million people have died from starvation since Kim Jung Il took power.

-An estimated 1,000 people die per day.

-There is no freedom of speech, press, or religion.

-Anyone who speaks against the government is immediately arrested, tortured, imprisoned for life in a concentration camp, or killed.

-An estimated 250,000 North Koreans are held in concentration camps as political prisoners.

-Tens of thousands of North Koreans cross into China to escape famine, economic privation, and political oppression.

-Around 70% of North Korean women and children who escape into China face serious exploitation, or sex trafficking.

-Given the danger of the DMZ, the North Korea-China border is the only border to which North Koreans may feasibly cross. China considers North Koreans solely as illegal immigrants--not as refugees--and repatriates them.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


1) For the liberation & restoration of North Korea.

2) For Robert Park: for healing after his experiences in North Korea; for the courage to tell the world of what he saw in North Korea.

Verses for North Korea

Psalm 82: 2-4
"How long will you defend the unjust
and show partiality to the wicked?
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;
maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.
Rescue the weak and needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked."

Proverbs 31:8-9

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy."


Can you hear their silence?

Making the Banners

Rally on the U of A Mall

Rally on the U of A Mall
9 Lives Banners

9 Lives Banners