Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The rally day quickly approaches! Here are the updates from yesterday's meeting
(Please bring your own water and food for the day. It's recommended to bring a blanket to sit on):

7-8:30am @ Himmel Park-Opening Praise will be led by Navigators praise leader
-Prayers will be led by Pastor John and Tom
-Pastor John will bring portable sound system
-T-shirts will be distributed for march

8:30-9:30am March from Himmel Park to U of A
Route: south on Tucson, west on Speedway, south on Mountain to U of A mall
The march will be led by those carrying the 18 foot banner (thanks Mike for making this!)
All participants will wear the T-shirts and chant: Do you hear their cry? Free N. Korea!!

10am-2pm Rally @ U of A Mall
4 roles will need to be rotated (especially holding the heavy banners)
1. Passing out flyers with facts about N. Korea (HeeSan will prepare 4,000)
2. Passing out T-shirts to those who stop to gather at the rally site to ask questions
3. Holding the 9-Lives banners (thanks Diana for preparing these)
4. Praying over the rally
Tom will share his personal story on each of the 9-Lives themes.
(we will need the portable sound system)
LiNK will also be passing out their flyers and have a booth set up with their stuff.

6:30-8pm Prayer service @ Emmanuel
Opening praise: Praise team from True Light
Testimonies shared from the day
Prayers will be led by Pastor John and Tom
End with praise...Hallelujah! May God's will be done!

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Can you hear their silence?

Making the Banners

Rally on the U of A Mall

Rally on the U of A Mall
9 Lives Banners

9 Lives Banners